AS/NZS 61439

AS/NZS 61439 - Product Table

IP Switchboard

IP Switchboard

Designed specifically for outdoor environments, the IP Switchboard is an extension of B&R’s tried and trusted Monarch IP range.

NoCharacteristic to be CheckedClauseResponsibilityComments
1Strength of material and parts:10.2
Resistance to corrosion  10.2.2PassedThe resistance to corrosion was tested using a representative samples. Report; 103687.
Thermal stability (relates to non-metal enclosures) clause refers mainly to plastic enclosures.
Resistance to abnormal heat and fire (due to internal electric effect) insulating materials supplied have been tested to 960ºC glow-wire Standard. Plus ES report;
Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation  10.2.4PassedUV ratings refer mainly to plastic enclosures however metal Powder-coat painted enclosures incorporates UV stabilization. AkzoNobel report; 20LSR178
Lifting  10.2.5PassedLifting is verified by test, if required. Generally this relates to larger switchboards to which lifting means (lugs) have been provided. Plus ES report; 103687
Mechanical Impact  10.2.6PassedIK10; Metal enclosure systems have been tested to exceed IK10 (20 Joules).
Marking  10.2.7AssemblerMarkings must be verified by test. Tests are performed by rubbing with water and petroleum spirits; generally done by the Switchboard Builder (Assembler).
2Degree of protection of enclosures (IP)10.3Passed / Plus ES2IP66; Ingress Protection (IP) rating needs to be verified by test or by assessment. Plus ES report; 103687
3Clearances10.4AssemblerClearance and creepage can only be verified by test. Switchboard Builders (Assembler) must maintain compliance by ensuring correct clearance and creepage distances are maintained at >8mm (Uimp=8kV) and >16mm (Ui=1kV) 4 Creepage distances 10.4 respectively
4Creepage distances10.4Assembler
5Protection against electric shock and integrity of protective circuits10.5
Effective continuity between the exposed conductive parts of the ASSEMBLY and the protective circuit   10.5.2Passed / Plus ES2Equipotential protective earth bonding points are required to be verified by test to less than 0.1ohm. Similar enclosure designs have been tested by Plus ES report; 103687
Short-circuit withstand strength of the protective circuit   10.5.3Passed / Plus ES2Protective circuit verification can be by test or comparison with a reference design. Plus ES report; 103687.
6Incorporation of switching devices and components10.6AssemblerPoints 6, 7 and 8 are largely the responsibility of the Switchboard builder (Assembler). It is a requirement that the Assembler follow guidance from the original manufacturer. The advice of original manufacturers such as B&R and switchgear manufacturers, needs to be adhered to. Switchboard Builders need to be aware of the Standard’s requirements for these verification points and incorporate these into complete design verification documentation.
7Internal electrical circuits and connections10.7Assembler
8Terminals for external conductors10.8Assembler
9Dielectric Properties10.9
Power-frequency withstand voltage  10.9.2Passed / Plus ES2Dielectric properties have been tested as per Plus ES report; 103687.
Impulse withstand voltage  10.9.3
10Temperature-rise limits10.1Designer or AssemblerTemperature-rise can be determined by test or by comparison or by calculation. Temperature rise methods provided in AS/NZS 60890 can be used for switchboards not exceeding 1600A rating. Designers need to use AS/NZS 60890 for Monarch IP Series of enclosures with a rating not exceeding 1600A. Higher ratings need to be referred to B&R. Plus ES report: 103814.
11Short circuit withstand strength10.11Passed / Plus ES2Monarch IP low-voltage switchboards are designed and tested in full compliance with AS/NZS 61439 and have been externally verified to withstand 50kA rms for 3s.
12Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)10.12AssemblerEquipment installed in switchboards shall comply with the immunity requirements of the relevant product or generic EMC standard. The Switchboard builder (assembler) shall obtain from the device and or component manufacturer the specific performance criteria of the equipment based on the acceptance criteria given in the relevant standard.
13Mechanical operation10.13AssemblerThis verification testing need NOT be done on devices already been type tested according to their relevant product standard. Only if their mechanical operation has been modified does the assembly need to be retested by cycling it 200 times.

Original Manufacturer* - Switchboard designer and manufacturer of the switchboard enclosure.
Assembly Manufacturer* - A switchboard builder.
Original Equipment Manufacturer - The company who manufactured the switchgear used in final assembly.

*The original manufacturer and assembly manufacturer can be the same company or different companies.