Located in South Australia, the Dry Creek Rail Yard’s contractor was O’Donnell Griffin. The engineering team was Sinclair Knight Merz and the asset owner was TransAdelaide.
A special enclosure design was required at Dry Creek to help with heat dissipation inside the enclosure and increase the IP rating. In order to meet the Sinclair Knight Merz and TransAdelaide designed and requirements, the enclosures needed to be double door width, with sun shades and front and rear doors.
B&R worked with the contractor to modify a prototype that had been designed for another rail project. The modifications included doubling the width of the enclosure and using 304 grade Stainless Steel material with a 2B finish.
Both the contractor and asset owner were happy with the design, with 27 enclosures ordered. This project offered B&R leverage into future rail projects and exposure to rail operators and contractors.